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A member registered Jun 11, 2020

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I couldn't extract it with file explorer, but I managed to get it to work by using 7-Zip instead. So, problem solved I guess.

(1 edit)

Please tell me this extraction error will get fixed sometime soon.

So, what's changed in version 0.2? Just want to know if there's anything extra since I played the first demo.

I don't see any new option on the main menu, unless it's just hidden really well. I can do the bonus game by just pressing the start button though.

I saw the file labeled "bonusgame" in the main folder, and I THINK I know how to "play" that bonus game, but I looked through some of the scripts and saw that there was apparently more to the game? Like, more characters to "play" with. Are the others just not implemented yet, or do I need to do something in particular to get the other characters in there?

The "Notes on Hunter" thing seems to have a checkmark on it, which should mean that she's at her max, right?

Plus, I've run around the map several times, and I've yet to see her show up again... She did take the pendant when I came by, but nothing seems to have changed.

How DO you rub Hunter's belly anyway? I think she's stopped growing now, but I don't have any option to rub her yet.

Do you still plan on continuing this, or did something happen?

I'd really like to see more of this some day!

Wow, that is rare... Thank you though.

A new update to Club Swell? What's changed with this one?

Is there any specific way to find Lindsey, or does she appear randomly?

Random Question, but what IS the "Multiplatform Version" in the files? Is there anything special about it, or am I fine just going through the regular .exe file?

Honestly, I feel like the second boss was WAY easier than the first. Also, it'd be nice to know what transformations do in advance, rather than just what they alter.